July 11, 2024

Announcing the Release of "The Equity Compensation Handbook"

Purpose Built is thrilled to announce the release of "The Equity Compensation Handbook: Achieving Financial Independence Through Smart Planning" by me, Sean Lovison, CFP®, CPA. This comprehensive guide is now available on Amazon. The book is an essential resource for corporate employees navigating the complexities of equity compensation.

Why This Book?

In today's corporate world, understanding equity compensation is crucial for anyone looking to maximize their financial potential. Whether you are an executive receiving stock options, RSUs, or RSAs, or an employee who might have the opportunity for equity in the future, this book is designed to help you make informed decisions.

Sean Lovison has over two decades of experience in corporate finance, rising to the role of Chief Financial Officer of a $500M+ corporation before transitioning to personal finance. His journey and expertise have uniquely positioned him to address the common challenges corporate professionals face with equity compensation.

How Can This Book Help You?

  1. Preparation for Salary Negotiations:
    • Negotiating salary packages that include equity compensation can be daunting. This book provides clear, actionable insights into understanding the different types of equity compensation and how they can be leveraged during salary negotiations. Knowing the true value of your compensation package can give you the confidence to negotiate effectively.
  2. Understanding Vesting Schedules:
    • Vesting schedules can be complex and vary widely. The book explains how these schedules work and how you can plan your career moves and financial goals around them.
  3. Optimizing Tax Strategies:
    • Equity compensation comes with significant tax implications. "The Equity Compensation Handbook" delves into tax planning strategies that can help you minimize your tax burden. Whether it's understanding the impact of stock options, RSUs, or deferred compensation, this book provides the knowledge you need to plan ahead.
  4. Managing Concentration Risk:
    • Holding a large portion of your wealth in company stock can be risky. This book offers strategies for diversifying your portfolio to protect your financial future.
  5. Achieving Financial Independence:
    • Ultimately, the goal of equity compensation is to help you achieve financial independence. The book outlines steps to leverage your equity for long-term financial success, providing a roadmap to financial empowerment.

Available Now on Amazon

Discover the valuable insights and practical advice in "The Equity Compensation Handbook." Whether you're a newly promoted professional or a seasoned executive, this book provides the knowledge and confidence you need to maximize your compensation package and ensure a prosperous future.

If you have any questions or want to discuss equity compensation, or want to explore how a Flat-Rate Fee-Only structure can help you achieve your goals, set up a time to talk.

Your financial well-being is too important to leave to chance. Choose wisely.

About the Author

Sean Lovison, CPA, CFP®, is a flat fee-only financial planner based in Moorestown, New Jersey, serving clients virtually nationwide. After spending 14 years as a corporate chief financial officer (CFO), receiving and designing compensation plans, he decided to help others navigate their plans.

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equity compensation handbook
(Free Chapter) The Equity Compensation Handbook
Whether you are an executive receiving stock options, RSUs, or RSAs, or an employee who might have the opportunity for equity in the future, this book is designed to help you make informed decisions.
  • Learn about non-qualified stock options (NSOs) and incentive stock options (ISOs)
  • How vesting schedules work and how you can plan your career moves and financial goals around them
  • Planning for AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax)
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