March 19, 2024

The Essential Blueprint: Build a Comprehensive Financial Plan

5 Key Points

  1. Goal Setting Beyond Numbers: A comprehensive financial plan uncovers your deepest aspirations and creates specific targets for achieving your dreams.
  2. Net Worth is King: Track your net worth to measure real progress toward your financial goals.
  3. Cash Flow is Key to Funding Dreams: Analyze your cash flow to ensure your income and savings actually support your objectives.
  4. Strategic Debt Management: Prioritize and eliminate debt strategically, considering interest rates and different types of debt.
  5. Tax-Smart Retirement Planning: Optimize your retirement income with tax-efficient withdrawal strategies and account selection.

Have a Plan

Your financial well-being isn't merely about accumulating wealth; it's about building a life aligned with your values and achieving the things that matter most to you. A comprehensive financial plan is a powerful tool to help you navigate the complexities of modern finances and create a roadmap toward your dreams.
At Purpose Built, we believe a true financial plan extends far beyond simple investment advice. Through our integrated approach to financial planning, wealth management, tax preparation, and tax planning, we help you synchronize every aspect of your financial life to maximize your potential.

Key Components of a Comprehensive Financial Plan

While a well-crafted financial plan may seem like a collection of separate tasks, it's actually a unified document that works together to achieve your financial goals. Understanding each component within the plan, however, is crucial. By examining each piece step-by-step, we can understand the overall strategy and how it propels you towards your financial dreams.

1. Setting Hyper-Specific Short and Long-Term Goals

  • Why it matters: Goals are the heart of financial planning. They provide the direction and motivation for everything else in the plan, explaining the why or purpose behind the numbers and providing motivation. 
  • Beyond Numbers: Our approach focuses on uncovering your deepest aspirations. We want to know what inspires you, the kind of legacy you want to leave, and the experiences you want.
  • Specificity is Key: Instead of "retire comfortably," we'll help you articulate goals like "retire to the coast with enough income to travel internationally twice a year" or "fund my children's education without taking on student loan debt (including what exactly you mean by "education")."

2. Net Worth Statement / Net Worth Tracking

  • Why it matters: Your net worth is a snapshot of your financial health. It shows the sum of your assets (what you own) minus liabilities (what you owe) and is more important than your rate of return or other commonly discussed metrics. Net worth truly quantifies the progress you're making toward your goals. 
  • The Baseline: Establishing your initial net worth is a starting point, and tracking it over time helps you measure progress. Every plan we develop has historical network front and center on the snapshot page. 
  • Deeper Insights: Net worth tracking also reveals where investments are needed or if hidden debt issues are holding you back.

3. Cash Flow/ Savings Plan

  • Why it matters: Understanding your cash flow -- how much income comes in versus what goes out -- reveals potential leaks in your budget and identifies opportunities for maximizing savings.
  • Funding Your Dreams: It's one thing to want to accomplish goals, but a cash flow analysis reveals whether your current income, expenses, and savings rate will actually put you on track to achieve them.
  • Beyond Budgeting: We do not want to dictate how you spend your money; our goal is to ensure you are saving enough to meet your goals. We will work to define savings targets, determine whether you are reaching them, and if adjustments are needed in your spending to get back on track. 

4. Debt Management / Prioritization

  • Why it matters: Debt can siphon away resources, hinder progress, and add unnecessary stress. An effective debt management plan prioritizes repayment for optimal impact.
  • Good Debt vs. Bad Debt: Not all debt is created equal. Mortgages and some student loans can be strategic, whereas high-interest consumer credit often works against financial health.
  • Strategies, Not Just Payment Plans: We'll develop a strategy considering interest rates, cash flow, and your goals. This may include consolidation, refinancing, or targeted payoff methods like the "debt snowball" or "debt avalanche."

5. Retirement Planning – Order of Withdrawal / Tax Planning

6. Tax Plans for Equity Comp/Business Ownership

  • Why it matters: Equity compensation (like stock options) and business ownership come with unique tax complexities. Proactive planning is crucial for maximizing benefits and avoiding surprises at tax time.
  • Unlock Your Equity's Power: Equity compensation can be incredibly valuable. We help you understand vesting schedules, exercise options, and tax implications for optimal decision-making.
  • The Business Owner Advantage: Business ownership offers tax-saving opportunities. Our tax expertise helps you structure your business, plan deductions, and navigate complex tax rules.

7. Life/Home/Auto/Liability Insurance Analysis

  • Why it matters: Proper insurance protects your financial plan from unexpected events that could derail your progress. A thorough analysis ensures you have the right types of coverage and that it's sufficient for your needs.
  • Beyond the Basics: We don't just review policies, we assess how those policies fit into your overall risk management strategy. Are there gaps, areas of over-coverage, or opportunities for optimizing premiums?
  • Liability and Your Net Worth: As the world, especially the United States, continues to become more litigious, adequate liability insurance (including umbrella policies) is essential for safeguarding the assets you've worked so hard to build.

8. A 3-6-Month Emergency Fund

  • Why it matters: Life throws curveballs. An emergency fund acts as a shock absorber, keeping financial hiccups from becoming major setbacks.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you have cash reserves reduces stress during job loss, unexpected medical expenses, or home repairs.
  • Tailored to You: A "3-6-month" fund is a guideline. Our analysis considers your income stability, expenses, and risk tolerance to find the right target amount for you.

9. Estate / Estate Tax Plans

  • Why it matters: Estate planning ensures your wishes are carried out and your loved ones are protected, even after you're gone. Estate tax planning focuses on minimizing the tax burden on your heirs.
  • Proactive, Not Reactive: Don't wait until it's too late. Proactive estate planning can help you avoid costly probate processes and maximize the assets you leave behind.
  • The Tax Angle: For high-net-worth individuals, minimizing estate taxes may involve strategies like trusts, gifting strategies, and charitable giving. We will review your estate plan, using our tax expertise to ensure as much money as possible reaches your heirs or chosen recipients.

10. An Investment Allocation Set in Accordance with Your Goals and Objectives

  • Why it matters: Proper asset allocation is the core of a solid investment strategy. It aims to match your risk tolerance and time horizon with the right mix of investments to achieve your goals.
  • It's Not Just About Stocks and Bonds: Choosing the right mix of stocks and bonds is important, but it's not the whole story. Where you hold those investments (within different account types) can significantly impact your tax efficiency. Robo-advisors often apply a standard asset allocation across all your accounts without considering the tax consequences. For example, putting bond funds in a taxable account can lead to a much higher tax bill than placing them in a tax-advantaged account like a 401(k). Our approach is different –  we analyze your entire portfolio holistically, including 401(k)s, IRAs, and taxable accounts, to optimize asset location and minimize your overall tax burden.
  • A Dynamic Plan: We don't "set it and forget it." Asset allocation is regularly reviewed and adjusted as life changes or market conditions shift.

11. A Tax Plan Optimized for All of the Above

  • Why it matters: Tax planning is the glue that binds the entire financial plan together. Proactive tax strategies can reduce your annual tax bite, increase net worth, and improve your overall financial health.
  • Not Just Tax Season: True tax optimization is a year-round endeavor. We work with you strategically on income, deductions, investments, retirement contributions, and more for long-term tax advantages.
  • Integration is Key: Tax decisions impact your investments, retirement, insurance needs, and estate planning. That's why having tax professionals deeply involved in your financial planing makes all the difference.

The Power of an Integrated Approach

At Purpose Built, we understand that these elements are not isolated – they form an intricate web. A change in one area can ripple through your whole financial life. That's why our integrated approach to financial planning, wealth management, tax preparation, and tax planning is so powerful.

If you have questions about building a truly comprehensive financial plan or want to explore how a Flat-Rate Fee-Only structure can help you achieve your goals, schedule a time to talk.

Your financial well-being is too important to leave to chance. Choose wisely.

FAQ Section

Q: Why is a comprehensive financial plan important?

A: A comprehensive plan is a roadmap to your financial future. It aligns your money with your values and goals, ensuring your financial decisions actively help you achieve the life you want.

Q: What's the difference between a financial plan and investment advice?

A: True financial planning goes far beyond selecting investments. It incorporates net worth tracking, cash flow, taxes, debt, insurance, estate planning, and more –  all working together to maximize your potential.

Q: I use a robo-advisor – isn't that enough?

A:  Robo-advisors can be helpful tools, but they often lack the tax optimization and integrated approach of a personalized financial plan. We analyze your full portfolio and offer strategic guidance tailored to you.

Q: Do I need a financial plan if I'm not wealthy?

A: Absolutely! Everyone can benefit from financial planning. Whether you're starting out or building wealth, a plan can help you make informed money decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

Q: How often should I review my financial plan?

A: Ideally, your plan should be reviewed annually, and whenever major life changes occur (like job changes, marriage, having children, etc.).

equity compensation handbook
(Free Chapter) The Equity Compensation Handbook
Whether you are an executive receiving stock options, RSUs, or RSAs, or an employee who might have the opportunity for equity in the future, this book is designed to help you make informed decisions.
  • Learn about non-qualified stock options (NSOs) and incentive stock options (ISOs)
  • How vesting schedules work and how you can plan your career moves and financial goals around them
  • Planning for AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax)
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